The End

Are you one of those people who reads the last sentence of a book first? – the last paragraph? – the last chapter? Even if it is a mystery novel. No matter what, you want to know how the book ends. You NEED to know how the book ends.

Then this is for you. It ends like this:



No matter what the battle is – the victory is His. No matter whether you like the ending or not,God wins. No matter whether you are here when it happens, God wins. No matter when it happens, God wins. No matter how it happens, God wins. Whether you are rooting for Him during the race or putting your foot out hoping He will trip, God wins. There is no alternate ending. God will not be paying six people to form a focus group to discuss which ending will be most favorable to viewers. HE WINS. That’s it. Plain and simple.

Genesis verse 1 says:

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

He wrote the beginning. He gets to write the ending. It is His book to write. It will end on His terms and on His terms alone.

But endings are often good places to find new beginnings. When you come to the end of yourself, when you finally decide that the problem is bigger than you and you can no longer deal with it alone, when you surrender the problem, you allow God to move. God does His best work when you step out of His way. Give him the keys to the car. Jump in the backseat. Fasten your seat belt. His GPS is better than yours. His driving ability is far superior than yours. He can drive places your Land Rover wouldn’t attempt.

My prayer is that today is the end of You and the beginning of You and God. Two against one equals victory. You and God against your grief. You and God against your addiction. You and God against your fears. You and God against your negative thought patterns. You and God against your financial situation. You and God against your cancer. You and God against your loneliness.

So I raise my glass to the end of you and the start of a new partnership – a new team – a new collaboration – You and God, because in the end GOD WINS.